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New year, new site

— 4 min read

As the end of 2019 was coming, the more grew my urge to relaunch my website.

I've had a website to portray my skills “of the moment” since 2009. Before that, I was only blogging for some years on my site ever since I started living abroad to keep family and friends back home updated.

Last I updated my site, which over the years became a portfolio, was spring of 2015.

In 2017 I decided to remove my online portfolio and stay with a coming soon page. I thought it was time to make a big rebranding for myself and apply all the new knowledge I was acquiring until then.

Having an online presence to show my skills and portfolio became a must for me in the year of 2010, as it was when I decided I wanted to start freelancing and make a career change against all odds in a new country, even when I was super junior in what I was getting into... but that's a whole other story for another day.

It was about to be 2020 — the start of a new decade. Since three years before that, I haven't managed to make such rebranding I so much have thought about on and on. I didn't have time for it. Or the reality was, I didn't want to make time for it.

I started taking time for redoing my site around the end of autumn 2019, and I had so many ideas! I've had already lots of ideas in an imaginary box that were stacking ever since I last updated my site. And I didn't even know where to begin with. After some weeks of coding and sketching some concepts for what I had in mind, it took me about two weeks to put all together and shape the concept I liked the most.

And so this site was born. :)

As you've seen, and if you know me already, this time I no longer have a working standard portfolio to showcase, but instead a focus on displaying my artistic and creative skills. I am a chameleon by nature, and I cannot stay put nor have a routine life. Change keeps me going. Ordinary brings me down.

A year and a half ago I began pushing and exploring deeper the artistic side of coding, which I started diving into in 2015 with pure CSS illustrations. But back then I never gave it the needed time to look into it enough. And I guess I also played with art, design and code a bit back in 2005 as I started learning Adobe Flash. Aww, Flash was fun! And it also helped me get my first internship in 2009 as a web designer and developer, sometimes building sites completely animated in Flash.

Anyway, as I named this post, new year, new site. And I'm happy I managed to clear that goal as of early 2020 to rebrand myself and relaunch this site.

I look forward to working in more artistic endeavors in the future. Whether it is making cool websites or creating digital visuals and installations for art + tech events, galleries, museums, musicians, fashion events, festivals, film industry, who knows? The sky is the limit.

I'm excited about the path that my current skills might take me, and to continue learning and improving my design and coding skills. I've experienced that the more and more I learn from them, the more I can create more interesting things. All in all mixed with my passion for the arts in general (film, illustration, music, photography, painting, street art), or anything else that inspires me at the moment. It truly feels like magic to make something with code. <3